Grow Your Business Quickly and Organically with the Miracle Hour
Obviously, it takes more than one hour a day to grow and run a business.
But – what if you could take 1 hour a day out of your busy day and focus SOLELY on growth activities – so that no matter what happened, you always took action towards your goals?
There is!
I call it The Miracle Hour.
It’s one of my favorite business concepts of all time. The Miracle Hour will help you generate leads, close sales, and monetize yourself or your team members. In just one hour a day.
I have always believed that, if you commit to anything, for one hour a day, not only can you develop mastery, but you can transform any area of your life. It’s true! Years ago, this concept changed my business—and my life—forever.
It can do the same thing for you.
First, let’s dial back the clock
The Miracle Hour has a long history in my entrepreneurial journey. I want to tell you how it all came about, so you can see the full picture of the impact it has had in my life.
Then we’ll dive into how you can use the Miracle Hour—either yourself or with your team—to create explosive and predictable growth in your business.
It all began back in my corporate days when I was the Senior VP of a Fortune 500 firm and working 50-60 hours a week. I was running a lot of branches, managing a large team, and had a heavy workload.
So naturally I started my own business on the side.
I truly built this business in pockets of spare time. This usually looked like an hour before work in the morning and an hour of work at night. The only time I had to build my business during the work day—when everyone was doing business—was on my lunch break. So I had to figure out how, in an hour a day, I was going to connect and convert sales to grow my business enough that I could leave my corporate job and become a full-time entrepreneur.
My husband Billy and I have been together for 17 years. When we met, we were both working corporate jobs. As we started talking about our future and marriage, we decided that we didn’t want to put our child in daycare. We always wanted to have one of us home full-time. We didn’t know which one of us it would be, but we knew we wanted to prioritize present parenting and lifestyle freedom.
Over time, my business grew, and I fell in love with it. I realized I wanted to do this with my life. I decided to continue my corporate job, growing my business on the side, and retire Billy. I needed to figure out how to grow my business during my lunch hour, while keeping my performance optimal in my job. My company was fine with me building my business—as long as I did my job well.
I built my business using just an index card
I developed this little thing called The Index Card Method and carried it around with me wherever I went. On this index card, I broke down activities I could do to build my business when I had 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes. I literally wrote down every business-building activity I could think of—from posting on social media to recording a short video to sending an email and everything in between.
This index card was really and truly how I built my business to over a million dollars while working my corporate job, then quickly pivoted to full-time entrepreneurship and took my business from 7 to 8 figures.
The difference between me and everyone else was that I only had a tiny bit of time each day to build my business, but I was absolutely ruthless with the time I did have. And this is one of the most important concepts for you to use for developing the culture of your team and company and to allow you to take back your time and build freedom in your business and your life. It’s also going to be key as you lead your teams to success.
It’s not about how much time you have.
It’s not about how many hours you work.
It’s about the impact of what you do with that time.
I only had an hour a day. And I was determined to maximize that hour to connect with as many people as humanly possible. I set my goal at 20 people. In one hour, I would connect with 20 people—past customers, current customers, future customers—and I would do it via texts, emails, and DMs.
And it worked. I was closing sales consistently in just one hour a day. The Miracle Hour.
How I used the Miracle Hour to monetize my entire staff
Fast forward to me building my coaching company (the first of the six companies I have today). I was the first person in the online coaching space to bring together the hybrid model of large-scale coaching with one-to-one support. We built the first accountability-led coaching model which meant I had a very expensive staff. When I say expensive, I mean expensive. I’m talking to the tune of $3 million.
I had to make that investment because I was convinced that this model would provide superior results for our customers. I was right. It’s why we have the track record that we do. My clients get that high-touch customization guidance, support, and advice in an environment where they have the global support of our entire team and multiple brands.
When I built this very expensive business model, I knew it would not be sustainable unless I built in something that would allow us to monetize the additional staff we were bringing in to serve our clients. So often, we think of the sales team as the people bringing in the revenue in our business, but that wasn’t going to cut it here.
There had to be a way to monetize our entire staff, not just our sales team.
So I took this index card and developed the Miracle Hour. It took us from 7 to 8 figures (obviously coinciding with the Live Launch Method). This allowed us to make sure we were:
- generating leads and closing sales both inside and outside of launch
- carrying people from launch to launch
- consistently closing high ticket sales
- monetizing all different roles in our company, not just sales
If you want a world-class service team, operations team, and marketing team—and you want to build a business that can run without you—you’ll need to invest in high-caliber talent. And that’s expensive. You can’t rely on dollars coming exclusively from your sales team. You can’t just generate sales. You have to understand the relationship between all aspects of your team and business.
I designed the Miracle Hour to work for every single member of my team.
The 5 simple components of the Miracle Hour
You can do the Miracle Hour live with your team on Zoom each day or independently, and there are so many applications and variations of it. I’ll break it down into five simple steps, then walk us through each one.
- Add value
- Engage
- Connect
- Make offers
- Engage (again)
Step #1: Add value. You want to create value for your audience every day. The content you share with them is your value, your impact. I call this “making a deposit in the reciprocity bank.” I start every single day with this. When you wake up in the morning, be thinking of what you’ll share with the world that adds value for them.
So many business owners want to make a withdrawal, but they don’t have enough money in the reciprocity bank. Whatever your huge dream is, you’ve got to make sure that the investment you’re making in your audience supersedes that. So when you go to make that withdrawal, it’s there waiting for you.
Add value.
Step #2: Engage on your own posts. This is where you take the time to reply to anyone who has read your post and left a comment. There is so much content out there that they could engage with, and they only have a limited amount of valuable time. This means they took the time to read your words and respond. Thank them for doing that.
I generally engage with replies on my posts at two different times. I do it right after I post, which is when I see a lot of activity. And then I come back later in the day to do another sweep. It honestly doesn’t take that much time to say “Thank you. I appreciate you.”
Engage on your own posts.
Step #3: Connect with 20 people. You can do this in 30 minutes or less with a Facebook message, follow up email or phone call, DM, or text. You can also share a resource, extend an invitation, whatever. If you touch just 20 people a day that you would like to work with, you can move those relationships forward. You can reach out to past customers, current customers, potential customers, referrals, etc. It’s all about relationship management.
This is why business owners go into feast or famine all the time. They’re inconsistent with relationship management. In 2024, this will be the most important key to your success in your business. People are sitting in an ecosystem longer, taking more time to get to the yes. You have to nurture and facilitate that decision.
Connect with 20 people.
Step #4: Make an offer. Do you want to know what I think is one of the wildest things I’ve seen in entrepreneurship? People will do all of this activity without ever making an offer. They will literally bend over backward and put in hundreds of hours of work, doing anything and everything except making that offer.
You’ve got to get over that hesitation, that fear, of making an offer. Part of your Miracle Hour is making an offer. Every day. Publicly or privately. Remember: you have something people need. Why wouldn’t you want to let them in on that good news? Why would you withhold that life-changing information from them?
Make an offer.
Step #5: Engage on other people’s feeds. I’m not just talking about random people here. I’m talking about people you’d like to work with. The first step was engaging with the people who comment on your posts. This step is all about going out and finding people you want to work with and engaging on their posts.
You’re doing these people a huge service when you do this. When you engage with people’s social media, you boost their posts in the algorithm. More people are going to see their content because you engaged with them. This is a huge way to add value.
You’re also creating top of mind awareness for yourself and your business. Engage on their social media feeds, then move the follow-up conversation to DMs.
Engage on other people’s feeds.
And that, my friends, is how you spend your Miracle Hour. Those five steps can literally all be done in one hour or less a day. Sadly, most entrepreneurs spend two or three hours a day—sometimes more—avoiding the one thing that could get them the result they want.
Don’t go from A to Z, just to get from A to B.
This one hour a day can literally replace 10-20 hours of useless activities that aren’t getting you results. Results you could get in one hour by just doing the thing. You’re doing so much more work than you need to be doing to grow your business.
Here’s proof that the Miracle Hour can work for anyone
You might be thinking to yourself: Of course the Miracle Hour works for you, Kelly. Everybody knows you. You already have so many clients and connections. It’s different for me.
Here’s what you need to know. I had the opportunity to test out the Miracle Hour on one of our new companies this year. It was wildly successful. We grew by 100% with:
- zero advertising
- zero using my face or name to build the brand
- zero day-to-day involvement from me.
We built a team from the ground up. We promoted a leader from one of my existing companies over to the new company. We were able to use the Miracle Hour as the core driving force of the entire growth strategy without launching or paid advertising and without leveraging the brand reputation we’d already built.
Why would I do this? Why would I not pay for advertising when I can obviously afford it? Why would I not take advantage of my brand reputation to get instant customers? I’ll tell you why.
As a business mentor, I’m helping people build their companies from the ground up. They can’t start where I’m at, because I have over a decade of experience under my belt. To mentor my clients effectively, I have to ask myself, “What would I do if I was starting from scratch or starting a new brand or didn’t have funds for advertising or a 11-year track record of success behind me?”
I was able to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Miracle Hour works for everyone.
What will YOU do with the Miracle Hour?
Now that you know the power of the Miracle Hour, what will you do with it? Will you put the Miracle Hour in place for you and your team? Will you step up to the plate as a leader? Will you claim that million-dollar breakthrough that you want and deserve?
It is all there for the taking.
There are billions of people on social media all day, every day, that are waiting for the right person to cross their path and help them get the results or transformation they desire. They want and need you. They just don’t know it yet. The Miracle Hour is the way that you’re going to create that intersection.
To make it even easier for you, I’ve created the Miracle Hour Checklist you can use to train your team. Download it and get to work!
You can also have them read this post or watch a YouTube video I made about it. If you prefer listening to a podcast, I’ve got you covered there as well.
Don’t wait another minute wasting time on things that don’t get you the results you want and deserve. Claim your checklist, commit to the Miracle Hour, and let’s grow!
Manage your time wisely to respond to posts and post worthy content.
Love this detailed description of the Miracle Hour Kelly! Really walking the talk on adding value 😊
I love Miracle Hour
Love this post Kelly! Thank you for walking the talk and for meeting people where they are to help them grow!
Kelly, I love that you used the Miracle Hour to monetize your entire staff. That’s gold. Thank you for sharing how you do this! It’s a game-changer!
This is a great blog! and we have been using these techniques at my place of work and they really work! I am currently implementing the Live Launch Method with my leader and well, we are killing it! Thanks so much Kelly!
Love the connection of it to bringing value with reciprocity given I believe in following universal law. I now have a daily tracker for it and it’s been fun checking off daily what I accomplished! I also tell my clients to do the same! Love it- thanks Kelly!
It is really powerful focusing on one hour to be extremely productive!
Really nice clean and crisp website. Miracle hour is a really good idea.
Love this, the Miracle Hour really helps transform your business!! Walking the Talk Kelly!!
Love this concept! And thank you for providing so much value in all your blog posts. I grabbed that list you created and generously gifted us. So grateful!
I absolutley love this advice on the miracle hour. It really helps me to carve out the time and keep me focused on exactly what I’m supposed to be doing during this time. l love all Kelly’s tips.
Great article! I really appreciate the clear and detailed insights you’ve provided on this topic. It’s always refreshing to read content that breaks things down so well, making it easy for readers to grasp even complex ideas. I also found the practical tips you’ve shared to be very helpful. Looking forward to more informative posts like this! Keep up the good work!